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May 14, 2010

Personal Product Review: Back To Nature

Personal Product Review: Back To Nature

I had been blessed with receiving two coupons to try their products free (with a set $ amount, of course)...the first item I chose were their Multigrain Flax Flatbread Crackers (the coupon covered the entire price).

These were pretty good. I used them to dip into some hummus and although that is not a typical thing to do, I really enjoyed their taste, but Honey Bear wouldn't touch them.. These price, on average, from $3-$3.50. If you enjoy flatbread crackers, I know these will be a hit with you!

I really wanted to try a box of cookies, but to be honest, the outside of the boxes don't look too appealing - very sterile and brown the picture looks stamped on. So, none of them LOOKED appealing AND they were all more expensive then the price of the coupon (#3.49 value). I stood there, wanting chocolate, having a taste for peanut butter and thinking granola was the way to go - WRONG! Honey Bear wanted me to get moving along as I really was focused on getting a box of cookies for quite some time in the very small area they hold down the cookie aisle. I just went for the gold and grabbed the box of Peanut Butter .

These cost $4.19 and the cookies all ranged in price from $3.99-$4.99 - a price that doesn't appeal to me at any level, but I looked at it as, for $.70, I hope these are good. They weren't good, they were GREAT! Seriously! If you like the sugar sweet, crunchy Girl Scout cookies, you will love these! There is no taste other then a crispy cookie on both sides of a thick, just the right peanut butter flavor filling. Yep, worth the money if you do not want to buy packaged cookies anymore, treat yourself to a pack of Back to Nature cookies! I am unsure of the other ones to try but the other flavors there were choco mint, choco chunk, and granola choco.

Just thought you'd like to know...

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