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May 3, 2010

Register now to begin sharing your tasty surplus fruits and vegetables with others.

It's Time for Spring Produce!
Now's the time for harvesting and eating spring salad greens, peas, and spinch. It's also the season for locally grown strawberries, asparagus, and rhubarb. Enjoy these limited season produce varieties while they're available.
Please consider including space for a few additional plants in your garden, so that you have extra produce to share or trade with others.
Gardening is becoming more popular every year. Growing your own produce is fun, saves money and encourages people to eat healthy. Backyard produce is commonly sold within a couple of days of being picked. Eating foods that are in season also saves money, since this is when they are readily available, usually at a lower cost. Register now to begin sharing your tasty surplus fruits and vegetables with others.

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